Monday, August 21, 2006

The Fallacious Philosophy of a Flippant Fellow

This is reproduced in toto from the PWD Magazine of the Federation of Malaya 1959
which I got from the Shah Alam flea marlet last Sunday. It's titled:

(not to be read by anyone below the rank of Superscale E)

by G.H. Caldicott

As an Assistant Enginee
I cared for rank no jot
At the big wids I would sneer
For what to me seems crystal clear
Puzzled them a lot

When an E.E. I became
I still shewed no respect
For grizzled experts at the game
I scorned the S.E. when he came
My district to inspect

When seniority I acquired
I began to have doubts
For the S.E oft I wired
Listened to his words inspired
Welcome them with shouts

When I reached the ranks of S.E.
(This makes shameful hearing)
I was then a V.I.P.
But I consulted an S.E.E.
On matters engineering

You'll guess by simple inference
When I left that rank behind
Though treated with great reverence
I'd hold a full scale conference
Ere making up my mind

The moral of the tale, one sees
(Here I may be quoted)
Directors know less than A.Es
Who could do their jobs with ease
And to them be promoted

Blogger's note: How very true!!!